This years Steam holiday sale has been going on for little over a week now. This year i’ve actually stashed some cash for the sale this year, as it is the only time I purchase games on steam is on the summer and holiday sales. Prices are so low at these times as I can purchase 20 games (I counted them, I’m not exaggerating) for the price of a new game ($60 bucks), so I always wait no matter how tempting it is to buy a brand new game. Bundles are my weakness, I have 120 or so games on steam, 75% of those where bough in bundles . Although I get great deals from steam every year, I still feel violated and dirty.
I’ve had a steam account since it’s creation in 2005, I was forced to join to play my copy of Half-Life 2- it’s the same tactic EA used with Battlefield 3 to sign people up with Origin)the biggest problem I have is that since I buy in bulk, I haven’t even played half the games in my library.
To feel like I haven’t wasted my money using Steam for 7 years, I will start writing short reviews with a accommodating vector artwork drawn by moi.
The artwork featured in this post is vector art and show the three Steam mascots taking my money. But instead of drawing myself, I drew a dragon, ’cause dragons are cooler.